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Please edit the text of your comment and resubmit."); } } function addComment() { var comment = document.getElementById('ka_comment_text').value; comment = comment.replace(/ /g, "_"); var request = "http://clientapps.kickapps.com/coxtv/profanity_secure_js.php?texttocheck=" + escape(comment)+ "&callback=checkedText"; aObj = new JSONscriptRequest(request); aObj.buildScriptTag(); aObj.addScriptTag(); } var someJSON = null; function gotSocData(jsonStuff) { someJSON = jsonStuff; g_commentsJSON = jsonStuff.comments; refreshComments(); } function getToken(username) { aObj = new JSONscriptRequest("http://clientapps.kickapps.com/coxtv/login.php?u=" + username + "&callback=gotToken&as=" + ka_as); aObj.buildScriptTag(); aObj.addScriptTag(); } function checkLogin() { var username = readCookie('6696'+'username'); if (username == null || username == '') { //paintLoginBox(false); isUserLoggedInKASide(); } else { user = username; paintLoggedInBox(); getToken(username); } } function verifyDomain() { //place holder in case you need to check domain hosting js return true; 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Note this can occur if the username and/or password you have entered is already in use."); document.getElementById('register').value='Register'; //clearRegForm(); } } function registerAndLogin() { var monthVal = ''; monthVal = document.getElementById('dateofbirthmonth').options[document.getElementById('dateofbirthmonth').selectedIndex].value; var dayVal = ''; dayVal = document.getElementById('dateofbirthday').options[document.getElementById('dateofbirthday').selectedIndex].value; var yearVal = ''; yearVal = document.getElementById('dateofbirthyear').options[document.getElementById('dateofbirthyear').selectedIndex].value; var firstnameVal = ''; firstnameVal = document.getElementById('firstname').value; var usernameVal = ''; usernameVal = document.getElementById('reg_username').value; var emailVal = ''; emailVal = document.getElementById('ka_email').value; var passwordVal = '' passwordVal = document.getElementById('reg_password').value; var confirm_passwordVal = ''; confirm_passwordVal = document.getElementById('confirmpassword').value; var errorstr = ''; if (passwordVal != confirm_passwordVal){ errorstr = "Password and Confirm Password must match\n"; } if (monthVal.length==0){ errorstr = errorstr+"Date of Birth Month is a required field\n"; } if (dayVal.length==0){ errorstr = errorstr+"Date of Birth Day is a required field\n"; } if (yearVal.length==0){ errorstr = errorstr + "Date of Birth Year is a required field\n"; } if (firstnameVal.length==0){ errorstr = errorstr + "First Name is a required field\n"; } if (usernameVal.length==0){ errorstr = errorstr + "Username is a required field\n"; } if (passwordVal.length==0){ errorstr = errorstr + "Password must be at least 4 characters in length\n"; } //Check Date if (!isDate(monthVal+"/"+dayVal+"/"+yearVal)){ errorstr = errorstr + "Date of Birth does not appear to be a valid date\n"; } //Check Age if(!isOver13(monthVal, dayVal,yearVal)){ errorstr = errorstr + "You must be at least 13 years of age to use this service.\n"; } //Check email if (!echeck(emailVal)){ errorstr = errorstr + "Email address must be valid.\n"; } if(errorstr.length>0){ alert(errorstr); } else { document.getElementById('register').value='One moment...'; aObj = new JSONscriptRequest("http://clientapps.kickapps.com/coxtv/register.php?as=" + ka_as + "&month=" + monthVal + "&day=" + dayVal + "&year=" + yearVal + "&firstname=" + firstnameVal + "&email=" + emailVal + "&password=" + passwordVal + "&username=" + usernameVal + "&as=" + ka_as); aObj.buildScriptTag(); aObj.addScriptTag(); } return false; } var MAX_DUMP_DEPTH = 10; function dumpObj(obj, name, indent, depth) { if (depth > MAX_DUMP_DEPTH) { return indent + name + ": \n"; } if (typeof obj == "object") { var child = null; var output = indent + name + "\n"; indent += "\t"; for (var item in obj) { try { child = obj[item]; } catch (e) { child = ""; } if (typeof child == "object") { output += dumpObj(child, item, indent, depth + 1); } else { output += indent + item + ": " + child + "\n"; } } return output; } else { return obj; } }